Why Agencies Choose Us

Why Law Enforcement Chooses Care Trak:


#1 We Invented at-Risk People Tracking in 1986.  We started it all. Advantage: Experience.


#2 We Are the Factory NOT a Distributor of Equipment.  We are the manufacturer, the factory and your one-stop-shop for equipment, supplies, service and training.  Advantage: No problems, No delays, No arguments, No run around and we return your calls and e-mails promptly.


#3 Our 7-Year Parts and Labor “No Hassle” Warranty. Advantage: Durable and reliable equipment with peace of mind.


#4 Reliable Tracking Equipment for Over 30 Years. Advantage:  Proven reliability with thousands of rescues. We are the factory and not equipment distributors or vendors for other company’s products. We build it and we stand behind it, period. Advantage:  The “Buck” stops here.


#5 Our 2-Month Transmitter Battery. Advantage: Only 6 battery changes per year! Advantage: Cost savings.


#6 Low Client Cost at Just $3.35 Per Month.  Advantage: affordable for fixed income seniors and cash strapped parents of special needs kids. Cost is so low some of our agencies offer Care Trak service Free! 


#7 Free Refresher Training. * Advantage:  As long as you own your Care Trak System you have the advantage of free refresher training at any time.  Upgrade from operator to trainer at no training cost. Advantage: Long Term Cost is Low.


#8 We Have Home Monitoring Equipment that is 100% Compatible with your Agency System.  Care Trak Home equipment, mostly used for kids with Autism, can prevent a rescue in the first place.  Care Trak is telemetry based and not a GPS system.  Advantage:  “The Best Rescue is the One That Never Happens.”


#9 Replaceable Transmitter Capsule.  Transmitter cases get beat-up especially by special needs kids.  With Care Trak the capsule that houses the tracking transmitter is replaceable at low cost. Advantage:  Years of reliable service


#10 No Contracts to Sign.  We don’t require you to sign agreements obligating you to us.  We must earn your business each time you call. Advantage:  You own your program not us.


Serving Law Enforcement Since 1986.

800-842-4537 M-F 8AM-4PM
